Articles from the “Uncategorized” Category

Getting students in Government (S4E21)

Getting students in Government (S4E21)

Imagine getting picked up by a police car first thing in the morning…and looking forward to it. That’s what happens to high school students in a county government mentoring program in Vermillion County, Indiana. Just listen, the next county commissioner might be in that car.

Cider, Seniors, and College Loans in Maryland (S4E20)

Cider, Seniors, and College Loans in Maryland (S4E20)

When you think of Maryland, think beer and cider and wine, they grow it all in Maryland and Laurie Ann Sayles of Montgomery county talks agriculture. We also talk about programs for seniors and being Maryland, we talk crabs and sauce. Listen for a conversation about what makes Montgomery move.

The Fate of Fate, Texas (S4E19)

The Fate of Fate, Texas (S4E19)

The fate of the city of Fate is in the hands of Mayor David Billings. And he’s not leaving it up to fate. Listen as he explains how he helps to plan and manage the growth of this expanding city near Dallas. It’s actually fate that he wound up in the mayor’s office.

Get out of the way: Traffic in Georgia with Carlotta Harrell (S4E18)

Get out of the way: Traffic in Georgia with Carlotta Harrell (S4E18)

Henry County Commission President Carlotta Herrell is working on a problem, traffic and she says there are things she can do, it involved good government and good planning. What’s worse than sitting in traffic? Hear some solutions.

Democracy in Action in Savannah, GA with Aaron “Adot” Whitely (S4E17)

Democracy in Action in Savannah, GA with Aaron “Adot” Whitely (S4E17)

Aaron “Adot” Whitely is an Army combat veteran, a former coach, a father and husband who does not like to sleep on the couch. But mostly he is a defender of democracy. He wants to help the people of his home city and make sure everyone’s vote counts. Just listen.

Tractors, Technology, and a Red Draw in Texas with Wichita County Commissioner Barry Mahler (S4E16)

Tractors, Technology, and a Red Draw in Texas with Wichita County Commissioner Barry Mahler (S4E16)

Nothing like sitting on a new tractor when you’re out tending to the cotton crop in North Texas. Wichita County Commissioner Barry Mahler has choices because he has also has a large collection of antique tractors that can still do the job. Listen to his thoughts on good government in rural Texas.

Keep Austin Weird, with Clean Air and Water with Commissioner Brigid Shea (S4E15)

Keep Austin Weird, with Clean Air and Water with Commissioner Brigid Shea (S4E15)

Keep Austin Weird, Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea is doing that. Mostly, she is making sure the air and water are clean and making sure no one is letting up in the battle against climate Change.

Barbecue, Solar Power, & Immigration in Texas with Louie Minor (S4E14)

Barbecue, Solar Power, & Immigration in Texas with Louie Minor (S4E14)

Louie Minor is a Bell County Texas Commissioner. An Army veteran, he has concerns about some of the immigration policies that really could effect his family. We talk barbecue and solar power. And Louie’s a fellow podcaster.

Getting Involved in LA County with Holly Mitchell (S4E13)

Getting Involved in LA County with Holly Mitchell (S4E13)

Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly Mitchell didn’t like the way government was spending money. So she got involved. She ran for office and is now a county supervisor for a large section of Los Angeles. She’s there to get the work done and make a difference. Just listen.

75 Episodes of Good Government (S4E12)

75 Episodes of Good Government (S4E12)

Celebrating our 75th Episode – we turn the tables on host Dave Martin when executive producer David Snyder asks him the questions.